What makes Belgian chocolates so unique?
“Belgian chocolates”, it is (justly!) a concept that is known worldwide. People come to Belgium from all over the world to taste the famous Belgian chocolates for themselves. But what makes Belgian chocolate so unique? We list the most important reasons.
Careful selection of cocoa beans
Everything starts with the cocoa beans. The beans used for Belgian chocolate are of superior quality, among other things because their origin and harvest are carefully selected. Moreover, the cocoa beans are ground very finely, so that Belgian chocolate has a very fine structure (from 15 to 18 microns).
A high cocoa content
The percentage of cocoa in Belgian chocolate is higher than that of chocolate produced elsewhere. In addition, Belgian chocolate contains 100% cocoa butter. In combination with the traditional fillings from Ovidias, this ensures a delicious taste experience when eating our Belgian chocolates.
Belgian chocolate, the most creative chocolate!
Nowhere in the world is chocolate handled so creatively as in Belgium. New flavours and flavour combinations are introduced regularly, which translate into surprisingly top Belgian chocolates. For example, think of our unique Chardonnay Sublime or our manon with mango and passion fruit which won an award last year.
The Belgian chocolate code
Precisely because Belgian chocolate is so unique, the Belgian chocolate code was developed in 2007. This code ensures that only real Belgian chocolate gets that name. As a consumer you can always be sure that you are buying an authentic product.
A history that is cherished
The history of Belgian chocolate goes back at least 400 years, and more than 173,000,000 kg of chocolate is produced in Belgium every year. We can therefore safely say that Belgians are proud of this history and their current production!
In the meantime, has the water run into your mouth? Then view our extensive range of Belgian chocolates with home-made fillings. Or do you want to know more about chocolate? Then read our blog article with facts about this delicacy. Enjoy!
View our range of Belgian chocolates